Release notes
Release notes latest version of Palo Alto
Version 6.1 January 29, 2025
New advanced button size settings. Merchants will now be able to control the font, width and height sizes for small, medium and large buttons within the theme settings.
New "Social gallery" section available. Upload social proof and curate images without having to use an app.
New "Accordions with images" section
New "Alternate text" option added into the "Highlight" feature
"Accordion" block added to the "Image with text" section
Badges block added to the Product page.
Option to display custom and sale badges on top of product gallery images on the Product page.
Improved button hover animation
"Image with text" section is now built with blocks to allow for more flexibility. Important: Please note that merchants will have to reconfigure this section with blocks after updating.
Background color picker added to all sections, replacing the "secondary background" setting
Gradient background color picker added to more sections
Option added to display accordions and descriptions full width under the product gallery on the Product page
Fixes and other improvements
Optimized CSS rendering to improve page speed performance
Improved border settings in the Icons row section
Letter spacing setting now available for the Heading font
Version 6.0.2 January 10, 2025
Fixes and other improvements
Improved product page loading on iOS devices
Version 6.0.1 December 16, 2024
An optional greyscale style for payment options in the Footer
Bottom center text alignment for Slideshow text
Improved the user experience for Search input
Updated accessibility tabbing on the Quick View drawer
Improved animation when removing items in the Cart drawer
Fixes and other improvements
Out-of-stock notification now works for more than one product at a time
Banner image text no longer becomes cropped for some font families and sizes
The button was missing from the Image Accordion if no header or text was entered
Dynamic checkout buttons now align with the Add to Cart button (decreased height to match)
Improved button margins in Text columns with images section
Version 6.0 November 8, 2024
A new section called "Shop the Look banner" 🎉
New custom sale badge option for the Header
Font size sliders for the product page title and price
Width settings for "Banner image" and "Announcement bar."
Mobile height settings for "Promo row", "Custom content", and "Video."
Product count design option for "Collection list."
"Increase border-radius" is an appearance setting that can be applied to more sections.
Renamed the existing "Shop the look" section to "Shop the look grid" and improved the overall design
Option to move button below the product grid for "Tab collections" and "Featured collection."
Updated active state for "Press/Logo"
Version 5.9.1 October 7, 2024
Color option for the loading overlay animation (previously black by default)
Countdown timer - If expired, the section is hidden
Improved rounded corner style
Fixes and other improvements
Custom content - The video was cropped, preventing the entire image from appearing
Location - Resize proportions were not accurate
Shop the look - Unable to click mobile hotspots when the hover animation was set to "Slide."
Improved accessibility for the "Quick Add" drawer
Version 5.9 September 11, 2024
A new section called “Multicolumn”
New "Empty cart" design to funnel customers into a purchase flow
Introduced "Font weight" and "Accent font" options to the Buttons
Connect images to your product variant boxes
Option to include the price in the "Add to cart" button
Slideshow & Image banner - Additional alignment settings and an optional stacked button style
Grid - design updates for the mobile experience
Updated "Quick add", "Product form", "Cart drawer" and "Footer" styles for an improved user experience
Icons row - improved mobile design
Fixes and other improvements
Implemented new Shopify requirements for the "Dynamic checkout buttons"
Testimonials - Updated the gap to match other sections for a unified appearance
Added Romanian translations
Removed "Reviews" from the product page as the Shopify app is no longer available
Version 5.8 July 11, 2024
New section called "Sticky image cards"
New section called "Testimonials with images"
Card scroll animation for the "Banner image" and "Slideshow"
Two new type highlights: hand-drawn circle and hand-drawn underline
Animation improvements for the "Promotion row" and "Grid" sections
Fixes and other improvements
Editions ’24 taxonomy and filter updates
Cumulative layout shift in the Footer
Optimized "Slideshow" and "Banner image" zoom animation on scroll
Version 5.7 April 25, 2024
Version 5.7.0 includes key updates in text reveal animations in banner image sections, additional layout settings for mobile layouts, support for parallax scrolling effects in ticker and footer sections, and improved loading states for a much better user experience.
Updated "Slideshow", "Banner image" and "Split images" animations and order of appearance when text is being revealed
Optimized products and columns display on mobile devices with additional layout settings in most of the sections.
Option for parallax scrolling effect in "Footer" for a more dynamic experience
Two new layout options in the "Marquee" sections combining ticker animations with a parallax effect on scrolling
We've updated the zoom animation on hover and implemented it in more sections and blocks.
Support for all HTML tags inserted from rich-text fields where text highlight decorations are used
Headings style and size settings for "Product recommendations", "Search pages," and size chart drawers
Updated loading state overlays, on opening product pages images gallery, and on changing collection filters
Improved default color settings in the "Buttons list" section
Improved upsell design for a more engaging user experience.
Loading animation for "Image accordions" sections for enhanced visual appeal
Updated body overlay animation on page load by merging "Loading icon" settings with improved "Loading overlay" settings
Fixes and other improvements
Added body overlay when megamenu is opened for better visibility
Increased readability in predictive search dialog with more proportional font sizes
Increased the spacing control between blocks in "Grid" sections on mobile
Fixed block height issue on mobile in "Promotion row" when only images are used
Fixed predictive search results animation issues when the page is resized
Improved headings spacing in "Video" sections depending on the presence of text decorations
Fixed collections sorting dropdown visibility when scrolling animations are disabled
Fixed missing slider arrows in the "Product recommendations" section
Version 5.6 March 6, 2024
Version 5.6.0 enriches the theme with improvements in section animations, with design enhancements of predictive search, rectangle swatches and footer, as well as with new sections for dynamic visual storytelling and effortless product showcasing, which not only bring value but are fun to interact with
New "Sticky images and text" section that utilizes vertical and horizontal layouts for engaging visual storytelling
New "Products with image" section to showcase both collections and product lists
New block in the "Footer" section for customizable designs with full-width logos
Parallax scrolling effect for the images in the "Overlapping images" section, which supports both multiple animation styles and adjusting the animation intensity
Unified hover effect for all instances where links are over the entire images
Enhanced loading experience of "Banner image" contents with a variety of options for the animation style
The Countdown Timer block can now be included in the "Banner image" sections
Refined styles of the search bar and the predictive search dialog box
Additional uppercase setting for all headings throughout the theme for easier control of their appearance
Improvements in rectangle swatch designs with a checkmark icon for better visibility of the active states with all colors
In the "Footer" and "Footer minimal" sections, the maximum number of blocks is increased
Fixes and other improvements
The navigation drawer is animated from the left to correspond to the position of the menu button in the header on mobile devices.
Adjusted spacing and balance of navigation icons in the header
Improved countdown timer sequential animations in both "Countdown" and "Banner image" sections
Updated "Size Guide" button positioning by aligning it with the last variant in size options
"Accent" typography is now used for tab headings in all places which can accommodate tabs, such as "Tab collections", "Product recommendations", "Search pages", and size chart drawers
The shimmer effect in image-loading animation now uses contrasting colors that correspond to the chosen body background color
Colors of the price range slider and filter remove buttons in Collection and Search pages are optimized for better visibility regardless of section color
The height of Promo block responds to Product grid image height settings whenever it is a single item in a row
Included alignment fixes for spacer lines below headings
Fixed search closing issues in the latest Safari versions
Version 5.5 January 22, 2024
Version 5.5 adds enhancements to the theme including new sections, typography updates, optimizations for images loading, improved animations on page load and bug fixes
New "Buttons list" section
New "Recently viewed products" section
Better optimization for images loading in sections with options for both mobile and desktop images for improved site speed
Option to include a secondary navigation menu in closer to header icons
Support for metaobject swatches in the Search and Discovery app
Added "Labels" typography settings which allow adjustments for tooltips, filter titles, product variants and form labels
Buttons "Add to cart" and dynamic checkout in Product pages have option to be displayed with either half or full width
"Product recommendations" section allows for setting up tabs with both dynamic product recommendations as well as recently viewed products
Header layout on mobile is improved by moving menu button on the left side and positioning the site logo in the center
"Announcement bar" and "Marquee" slider layouts now have arrows for navigation
Fixes and other improvements
Improved animations on page load for Product pages using exponential delays
Improved "Slideshow" animations execution and emphasized more the different animation styles
Updated localization form selectors styles in footer
Improved "Countdown" inline layout so that the main focus of section content remains in the center
Fixed tooltips display issues
Resolved display issues in product form selectors and size guide popups
Fixed issues with "Image with title" heights to handle collections with lots of description or without any
Improved "Featured collection" grid layouts for tablet devices
Version 5.4.1 - November 20, 2023
Fixes and other improvements
Product pages - Fixed quantity selector overlap
Text columns with images - Fixed scrollbar issue
Performance - Improved image-loading animations
Version 5.4 - November 15, 2023
Added and changed
Typography - A global font picker for subheadings ("Accent")
Color - "Background Accent" color is removed
Banner with text columns - New layout
Footer minimal - New section
Header - Icons can be textHeader - Dot hover effect for header top-level links
Marquee / Announcement bar - sections are merged and improved
Nav / Product grid - typography adjustments
Product pages - accordion blocks have heading/body styles
Slideshow - Highlights added for headings
Image with text - Changed textarea type to richtext
Image with text / Overlapping images - Overlay gradient added
Custom content - Updated textarea to richtext / Reverse blocks checkbox on mobile
Collection list - Image aspect ratio min value reduced
Text columns with images - Borders between blocks / Mobile height and layout settings
Product grid - Sideshow progress bar issue in Firefox is fixed
Header - Nav menu hover when search-popdown is opened issue is fixed
Video - icon appearance in Safari is fixed
Image with text - Fixed inline layout overflow
Version 5.3 - October 2023
New section - Countdown timer
Introduced "Uppercase" font styles
Improved hovering over the mega nav dropdowns
New design improvements for the Footer
Fixes and other improvements
Fixed "Image with text" and "Grid" wrapper alignments
Fixed swatch tooltip position
Version 5.2 - September 2023
Main menu "letter-spacing" option for navigation
Featured collections - Added a "Products per row" setting
Added the highlight feature to the "Featured collection", "Marquee" and "Overlapping images" sections
Footer - Added width settings to each block to provide greater control over footer styles
Collection list - Made settings more user-friendly and introduced additional width controls
Split images - Introduced a secondary button option
Fixes and other improvements
Split images - Fixed an issue that was causing the "Highlight" type to not appear
Version 5.1 - July 2023
This new version of Palo Alto includes the Shopify section groups feature and focuses on general improvements to design/UX, accessibility, performance, and settings.
Support for Product Siblings via Metaobjects. Learn how to use siblings
Size chart titles can be more easily customized
Tab collections now include a grid ratio option
Move accordions to blocks
Add lazy loading has been added to the product template
Hide swatches after 2 rows on the product grid and product pages
UX improvements for the marquee section
Automatically rotate through the press section
UX improvements for text highlights
Fixes and other improvements
Minor UX improvements for predictive theme search
Fixed bug with section height for the grid and custom content sections
Improved resolution of loading image
Minor bug fix for buttons
Improve UX for collection filters
Version 5.0 - May 2023
Includes the Shopify section groups feature and focuses on general improvements to design/UX, accessibility, performance, and settings.
Section groups Shopify feature
New ‘image banner’ section
New 'image' section
Ability to add promotional blocks to a featured collection
'Feature' block added to product form
Updated button settings and design
Updated collection filtering settings and styling
Product grid swatches show on over when there are more than 5
The collection list section now has a circle layout option
Typography options for collection filters
Fixes and other improvements
Improved performance, including video loading
Improved typography options in the custom content section
Improved accessibility
Improved mobile breakpoints
Improved quick buy design
Improved size chart design
Improved font sizing options
Improved color swatch design
Improved sub-collection section
Improved settings flow and visibility
Product grid swatches show on over with there are more than five
Variant labels fixed in quick buy
Last updated