This versatile section is designed to help you create engaging promotional content that captures your customers' attention and drives them to take action.
Image: Select an image to accompany your promotion for a compelling visual appeal.
Layout: You have the flexibility to adjust the width of each block within the row, allowing you to emphasize specific promotions.
Style: Choose the background color for your promotional content to match your brand's aesthetics.
Height: Customize the height of the section to create visual impact.
Mobile slider: Enable a horizontal slider for mobile devices to enhance user experience.
Section spacing: Tailor the section's width and padding to seamlessly integrate it into your website's design.
Text: Promotions subheading and heading, highlighting crucial keywords with italics or other decorative options, and customizing the highlight color.
Buttons and colors: Customize call-to-action buttons for each promotion, or link the entire block by leaving it blank. Tailor the button's text, link, color, style, and size to your preferences.
Overlay gradient: Color gradients are tricker to set up (compared to regular color options). We highly recommend checking out the Shopify help documentation for this option.