Featured collection

Featured collection allows you to highlight a specific collection of products on your store pages. This section generates a grid of products, each linking to its own product page.

Key components

  • Layout and design: Choose the layout that best suits your page’s design. There are four different modes to choose from for your desktop view.

  • Display essentials: Select the collection you want to present to your customers and add promo blocks to advertise and highlight current promotions or a specific product.

  • Text and call to action: Define your section's heading and customize the main button to invite your customers to explore the rest of your collection.

Note: The mobile view of this section is always a grid unless the mobile slider option is enabled.

Configuring your section: Settings overview

The Palo Alto theme offers a variety of settings to personalize your featured collection. Here are some key features you may find useful:

  • Layout options: As we mentioned above, there are four layouts:

  1. Grid: Show multiple rows of products.

  2. Carousel: Show a single, scrollable, row of products.

  3. Split Left: Show text on the left with a grid on the right.

  4. Split Right: Show text on the right with a grid on the left.

  • Message and conveyance: Customize the text accompanying your featured collection by setting the text alignment, overwriting the collection title, and adding a short message.

  • Button styling: Add a compelling call-to-action button. Set its text, colors, style, and size.

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