About 5.4 Release
Additional information on recent Palo Alto updates
Additional information on recent Palo Alto updates
You can now change the Heading style for the Product Grid display. Choose between the Heading or Body font styles:
To configure these font styles, use the Typography settings and choose which style to use for your Product Grid display.
You can also change the Text size to make the heading, price, and description smaller or larger with the Text size slider:
Choose between Line or Dots for the Link hover effect in the navigation:
A new option to display the Search, Account, and Cart as Text or Icons:
Uncheck to use icons:
You can now easily build promotions throughout your shop with Text Columns and Images. We've added a Show borders option to help you create multiple promotions within one section:
We've also added a Mobile height option when using images in this section. You can finetune the aspect ratio to match your images for both desktop and mobile devices:
Now you can choose from Grid, Stacked, and Slider options for mobile devices:
We've added more options to customize font and font styles for subheadings. The Typography has a new section for the Accent font style which is used throughout the theme including subheadings:
Headings in the Slideshow section can now display the Palo Alto highlight effects:
To use, highlight a word or words in the Heading area and italicize the word or words:
Choose from various effect styles by Palo Alto:
Tip: Styles like circle work best with one word highlighted. Others like Stroke or Highlight will work well with multiple words. Experiment with the styles to match your branding
Add borders to the top and/or bottom of the Marquee section:
We've also added more text options - Choose from the Heading, Body, and Accent font styles and also toggle for uppercase text:
Links are now styled with Palo Alto's hover animation. Use the highlight feature to draw attention to certain words:
Build a simple minimal footer instantly with Palo Alto's new Footer minimal section. Add the section from the Footer group:
Palo Alto will build a simple footer with easy-to-configure blocks and settings:
Simply hide the regular footer and only display the Footer minimal section. For more advanced options and flexibility, use the standard Footer.
Blocks are stacked for mobile devices. Now you can reverse the order placement on mobile:
Regular block order is used if unchecked:
Current customers can download a free update from the Shopify Theme Store. The update is added to your Theme Library as a draft. You can explore the new features without affecting your live store.
If you are new to Palo Alto, you can download a free trial version from the Shopify Theme store. Discover how Palo Alto can help you build the store that's right for your brand, products, and services. Use it for as long as you like as a draft theme. Pay only when you publish: