
A new feature for Palo Alto is the ability to add a cutline (or a tagline) to showcase a single important point of information about your product:

Setting up the new metafield definition

To set up a cutline, you need to create a new, custom, metafield definition that Palo Alto can recognize.

The most important part is to use this namespace and key: theme.cutline

To start, navigate to your Shopify admin -> settings and choose custom data from the left panel. Next, click on products (click images to zoom):

Click the add definition button to begin. Choose a name, we'll use 'cutline'. Next, we will use a custom namespace. This is required.

A crucial step here is to change the default namespace (usually called 'my_fields') to theme

Add a description (this is optional) then choose select content type. Next, choose text and use single line text (it's the default option):

Don't forget to save your changes.

Product setup

Now that our custom metafield has been defined, the final step is to edit any of your products in the Shopify admin -> products and update the new cutline metafield.

All you need to do is scroll to the bottom of the product setup page and fill them in:

Don't forget to save your product and preview it on any product grid view, such as a collection page:

Last updated