In Palo Alto, you can add a promo block to your Collection pages section.
To start, you need to open up the Theme Editor and open any Collection page.
Here, you can click on the small arrow next to the Collection pages section and choose to add a new Promo block:
The promo block allows you to change the background, heading, text, button text, button URL, and much more.
Note: You can choose a collection here but this will only show the promo block for the one collection. Leave the setting empty if you want the promo block to be shown on all collection pages.
Only one (full) or two (half) blocks per row can be shown. To show two blocks next to each other you have to set them to be shown on the same line:
Next, make sure that all of your blocks are set to 'Half' width:
The end result should come out like this: